Monday, September 8

Jilly Billy's Jolly 18.

today we shot a clip of ourselves greeting our loooooooovely manly billy who was still studying, or dating? :P in perth happy birthday. (:

err... at the CCA building. 6th floor? lol. x) nicholas is back. everyone was funny. too bad the clip is not here.

well, billy. Our words? It's all in the clip. again, Happy Birthday !! :D We looove & missss you badly ):
yeahh. You know what to do. Come back during the hols and introduce her to us. hehe. You bet that i'm an extraordinary good 'in-law'. I promise. whoahahaha. XD

Lastly, hope you'll have a fantastic celebration with your closed ones there.

With lots of love, us brothers.

one of them,
Jimmy. =)

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