Tuesday, November 18

I need a break

I seriously need a break. and im going to have it now so bye.

Not yet.

I'm leaving on an aeroplane later. :(

gonna miss a bunch.
Well, hope to see zhi-heng had done my tag. and annabelle too.
Man I didn't know poo has bikes. I'm so gonna sit on them.
Serena i was so sorry for not being able to have lunch with you, but am glad that my idea helped. I want something buttery and seafood when i come back!
Hopefully derek's now awake from his drunk effects from last night. I didn't take beers so i had to cleaned up the house. thanks.

I'm not quite sure what to say now. I just miss. here.

I guess this is all i can write cause i have only a few moments.
Hasta pronto. :)


♥ Pauline said...

have a nice flight =)

Anonymous said...

Lol you don't need to mention i am that weak okay. Who's serena hehe? Have a nice trip son. Damn sophie was annoying, i don't get along with tags. :P

Puzzle Express said...

ew. you? edward? HAH! kidding lah.